Gael Santisteva

Gaël Santisteva

Based in Brussels sin­ce 2007, Gaël Santisteva was born in 1977 in Auch (France). Throughout his youth he had an inten­si­ve cir­cus prac­ti­ce until he beca­me a stu­dent at the National Center for Circus Arts in Chalons en Champagne, from which he gra­du­a­ted with the Russian swing spe­ci­al­ty in 2001. Always pas­si­o­na­te about move­ment and the­a­ter, he natu­ral­ly tur­ned out of school to com­pa­nies orien­ted towards cho­re­o­grap­hy and the­a­tri­cal per­for­man­ce. He has been wor­king as a per­for­mer for various dan­ce, dan­ce-the­a­ter or musi­cal the­a­ter com­pa­nies for 15 years. Circus has not left his mind or his body, it is even what very stron­gly con­sti­tu­tes the uni­que­ness of his per­so­na­li­ty on a sta­ge. After many years of reflec­ti­on and con­tacts with dif­fe­rent cre­a­tors, he star­ted a more per­so­nal search in order to pro­du­ce pie­ces mar­ked with his own iden­ti­ty. He con­ti­nues on the other hand artis­tic col­la­bo­ra­ti­ons as a per­for­mer in pro­jects that enga­ge a ques­ti­o­ning and a rene­wal of his artis­tic vocabulary. 

As a per­for­mer, Gaël has been wor­king with Philippe Decouflé, Jean-Marc Heim, les Ballets C de la B ‑Koen Augustijnen, Cie Zimmermann/​De Perrot, Eleanor Bauer. He co-cre­a­ted with Lara Barsacq two per­for­man­ces pre­sen­ted at Tanzhaus Zurich: Tonight, I love you ! (2012) and The Hide Show (2014). In 2016, Gaël Santisteva co-foun­ded asbl Gilbert & Stock with Lara Barsacq.

In 2017, he cre­a­ted TALK SHOW befo­re tou­ring in France and Belgium. Parallel to that, he col­la­bo­ra­tes on other pro­jects as a per­for­mer, artis­tic advi­sor or assis­tant for: Walking the Line by Benjamin Vandewalle, Noir M1 and Les Flyings by Mélissa Von Vépy, New Joy and Meyoucycle by Eleanor Bauer, Lost in Ballets rus­ses, IDA don’t cry me love and Fruit Tree by Lara Barsacq. 

Gaël’s latest pro­ject — Garcimore est mort — pre­mie­red on November 18th, 2021 at Le Manège de Reims — scè­ne nati­o­na­le.
He recent­ly also direc­ted a col­lec­ti­ve per­for­man­ce by the 3rd Grade stu­dents of ESAC (Brussels). Première in January 2022.