LDD 9785 1

Manon Santkin

Manon Santkin (1982) lives and works in Brussels.
Within the field of the per­for­ming arts, Manon Santkin is acti­ve as a dan­cer, cho­re­o­grap­her, artis­tic advi­sor, pro­cess assis­tant and wri­ter. She gra­du­a­ted from P.A.R.T.S. in 2004 and com­ple­ted the Master in News Performative Practices in 2015 at Doch, part of the University of the Arts in Stockholm. She has been col­la­bo­ra­ting with cho­re­o­grap­hers Mette Ingvartsen, Salva Sanchis, Sidney Leoni, Eleanor Bauer, Cecilia Lisa Eliceche, Daniel Linehan, Leslie Mannès and Fabrice Samyn a.o.
In her works Manon revi­sits the noti­on of inter­pre­ta­ti­on’ in terms of an eco­lo­gy of prac­ti­ces and intel­li­gen­ces, self-orga­ni­za­ti­on and inter­ac­ti­ve agencies.