Micha Goldberg

Micha Goldberg

Micha Goldberg1983) is a Norwegian per­for­mer and the­a­tre­ma­ker who stu­died Physical Theatre at Accademia Teatro Dimitri in Switserland and obtai­ned a master’s degree in the­a­tre at RITCS (2013, Brussels). He gra­du­a­ted with his per­for­man­ce CONFETTI, pre­sen­ted at home and abroad. In 2014 fol­lo­wed by The Garden Laboratorium and The Primal Money Scream, in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with Sophia Rodriguez. In 2016, Micha foun­ded Micha’s Amateur Theatre Group (for professionals). 

Micha lived and wor­ked in Volksroom the past few years. Here aro­se the col­lec­ti­ve ini­ti­a­ti­ve Ne mosqui­to pas, led by Simon Van Schuylenbergh. For five years, a group of artists, all with dif­fe­rent back­grounds, cre­a­ted solo’s around fai­lu­re and guil­ty plea­su­res. From Ne mosqui­to pas sprang the idea for GERMAN STAATSTHEATER.