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First open call for iMAL PROJECTS OFFICE


iMAL is a spa­ce of encoun­ter bet­ween the cre­a­tor and soci­e­ty. A spa­ce for par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on and dia­lo­gue with the aim of sti­mu­la­ting the exchan­ge of know­led­ge, cre­a­ti­vi­ty and cri­ti­cal reflection.

iMAL con­cei­ves inter­dis­ci­pli­na­ry cre­a­ti­ve prac­ti­ce as an open pro­cess that gene­ra­tes know­led­ge and shall put its efforts to pro­mo­te, sup­port and pro­du­ce indi­vi­du­al and col­lec­ti­ve research and pro­duc­ti­on pro­jects. This is why they are launching iMAL’s Projects Office (herein­af­ter iPO), as a sour­ce of oppor­tu­ni­ties and sup­port for cre­a­ti­on and pro­fes­si­o­na­li­za­ti­on of the artis­tic sce­ne in Belgium. Through two open calls per year, rota­ting lea­ding local experts together with iMAL’s team will con­form a jury that will select the pro­jects to be pro­du­ced, based on a transpa­rent and inclu­si­ve pro­ce­du­re and paying spe­ci­al atten­ti­on to diversity.

Deadline: 0103

More info here.