

  • 21.09 > 27.09.2020

It’s a slip­pery slo­pe. A vola­ti­le expe­rien­ce. It can chan­ge in a second. We wit­ness them cor­ne­ring them­sel­ves, doing it to each other, luring each other into a cavi­ty. There, a con­struc­ted soli­da­ri­ty in a play of gym­nas­tic inter­ven­ti­ons; a reas­sem­bla­ge takes pla­ce. It’s like a machi­ne whe­re you can join in, it just keeps on going.
To the sound of sna­re drums three dan­cers are immer­sed in com­pli­ca­ted power dyna­mics. It’s fra­ter­nal incest at its core, plea­su­ra­ble bul­ly­ing and hard-shel­led fan­ta­sies. Hegemony is a dan­ce pie­ce by cho­re­o­grap­her Ofelia Jarl Ortega devel­o­ped together with dan­cers Darío Barreto Damas, Andrius Mulokas and Paolo de Venecia Gile.

Choreography, con­cept: Ofelia Jarl Ortega | Dance, cho­re­o­grap­hy: Darío Barreto Damas, Andrius Mulokas, Paolo de Venecia Gile | Sound design, com­po­si­ti­on: Jassem Hindi | Light design: Mira Svanberg | Producer: Terry Johnson | Co-pro­du­ced by: MDT Stockholm, BIT Teatergarasjen Bergen, BUDA Kortrijk, STUK Leuven, My Wild Flag Stockholm | Supported by: Swedish Arts Grants Committee, The Swedish Arts
Council, Stockholm City | Part of Life Long Burning — Towards a sustai­na­ble Eco-System for Contemporary Dance in Europe pro­ject (20182022) sup­por­ted by the Creative Europe pro­gram­me of the European Union.