
KWP production

Kitchen.Table. is cen­te­red around the explo­ra­ti­on of the his­to­ries, cul­tu­res and prac­ti­ces rela­ted to food-making, as a way to under­stand how the­se influ­en­ce the poli­tics of food on the table today. The curi­o­si­ty to under­stand how foods have been moving over time through tra­de and with peo­p­le’s migra­ti­on is the main dri­ve behind this pro­ject. The pro­ject is based on his­to­ri­cal research, on ancient reci­pes, and food tra­de rou­tes via land and sea over time, on the ori­gins of cer­tain food items and how they spread around the world, and on the spi­ri­tu­al / mytho­lo­gi­cal / astro­lo­gi­cal con­nec­ti­ons we have with food. The idea is to bring the more lay­e­red sto­ries to the surfa­ce so that we can under­stand the to the pro­du­ce in super­mar­kets, and what goes into the making of a sin­gle dish. Underlying the­mes of migra­ti­on / move­ment, dis­tan­ces bet­ween pla­ces of ori­gin and resi­dents of cities, as well as the fema­le body as an archi­ve of food memo­ry, and the unac­coun­ted labor that goes into coo­king, are under­ly­ing the­mes that dri­ve the artis­tic research of this project.