
KWP production


  • 10.07 > 27.07.2023
  • 16.01 > 19.01.2023
  • 10.01 > 16.01.2022

Since infi­ni­te spa­ce is emp­ty on all sides, and innu­me­ra­ble see­ds flo­at in a thou­sand ways through all that emp­ti­ness, pro­pel­led by their eter­nal move­ment, it is in no way to be assu­med that only this one world and sky are made, and beyond that all tho­se par­ti­cles of mat­ter do but nothing.” (Lucretius, Teaching Poem on Nature, 1st E BCE)

I don’t know how much he impro­vi­ses that text, becau­se Hendrickx plays a slightly dif­fe­rent per­for­man­ce each time. But the ver­si­on by Theater aan Zee, I would so buy it as a novel­la.” (De Roo Daphne, reviews for Etcetera)

Moddertong is a kalei­do­sco­pic nar­ra­ti­ve that evo­kes the eve­ry­day life of a com­mu­ni­ty in an unspe­ci­fied time and pla­ce. Everything is magi­cally con­nec­ted: the sun, plants and ani­mals, peo­p­le and man-made things.

In Moddertong, a nar­ra­tor sits with the audien­ce in a cir­cle. Gradually, a tra­gi­co­me­dy unfolds in which count­less cre­a­tu­res sup­port and thwart each other.

Sébastien Hendrickx wor­ked for seve­r­al years on this per­for­man­ce, which rela­tes to the con­cepts of mother’, lan­gu­a­ge’ and earth’. Under the influ­en­ce of con­ti­nuous research and con­stant­ly chan­ging cir­cum­stan­ces, Moddertong takes on ever-chan­ging forms.

Tekst/​spel/​scenografie Sébastien Hendrickx I Coach Willem de Wolf I Productiesteun Kunstenwerkplaats & myo​ther​work​.word​press​.com I Onderzoekssteun KASK/​School of Arts I Residenties De Monty, De Grote Post, Workspacebrussels, C‑Takt, WP-Zimmer, De Kunstenwerkplaats, KAAP
Coproductie: C‑Takt, Viernulvier I Met dank aan Katrien Stragier, Jan Ritsema